03:05 - Attention Packer Fans
08:38 - Yes, I Love Technology
So, Coooousin Larrys, if you were moving to America and needed a cell phone plan and provider, who would you pick? Let's say, just for the sake of argument, you were moving to Nashville.
Signed, a curious Balki Bartokomous
05:54 - I Am Going To Find Alphabet Nash and Then I Am Going To Seduce Him & It Will Be Amazing
There's something I should tell you:
(tour dates for some band)"
16:25 - Ok Rochester
10:25 - Kitty of the Week
03:59 - I Am Going To Make It Through This (Fiscal) Year
p.s. "Eugene O'Neill says that everybody's got one thing they're always going to regret, but John Darnielle says that if you give people the right chemicals and enough time to themselves, they can permanently disable their internal regret mechanisms."
09:57 - If This Means They're Not Making Movies Like Glitter and Crossroads Anymore, I'm Going to be Very Upset
Everybody knows by now that the internet has shaken up the music business. But one of the subtler changes has been the amount of raw information that the industry collects-- to study the music that sells, and to face up to the music that doesn't.
17:40 - Attention Thrill-Seekers
02:31 - Bruise of the Week (aka Hottest Knee Around)

And new roommate Jason sent this great I-haven't-met-you-but-check-out-my-scrape pic:

08:07 - IPOD WAR!
Ok, Matt and I are playing iPod war. This was inspired after I told him about a guy in the Birmingham airport with an ipod who came up to me and, after seeing I was listening to my ipod too, asked to see what song was playing. Like the card game War, yeah? Anyway, he was playing Coldplay, and I think I won with The Pixies because he just nodded and walked away. So the rules were that we put the devices on shuffle (ipod for him, itunes for me because je n'ai plus d'ipod) and wrote down the first 10 songs that came up. We each got one skip. I used mine because Wilco came up twice. Also I was informed I wasn't allowed to cheat and, believe it or don't, I didn't. Behold how much cooler a recently defunct steel company is than a dead president’s mp3 player:
1. Wilco—Forget the Flowers
2. Johnny Cash—It Could Be You (Instead of Him)
3. Broken Social Scene—Capture the Flag
4. Camera Obscura—Keep It Clean
5. REM—New Test Leper
6. The Rentals—These Days
7. Extreme—More Than Words
8. Neko Case—Outro With Bees
9. Andrew Bird—Tables & Chairs
10. Fiery Furnaces—Tropical Ice-Land
Ok, go check out his list and share your valuable opinion on who won. You can just do it by numbers too. As in, "Annie, you totally won on #7 because Power Ballads kick ass."
UPDATE: Below are the ones I’m calling as clear Team Steel winners. Anyone should feel free to argue the other side but as you may know, my stubbornness knows the same limits as my previous alcohol consumption.
UPDATE DEUCE: Myspace buddy Matt, who runs the excellent mp3 blog You Ain't No Picasso, hath spoken:
It was tough goings. For example, does Wilco's "Less Than You Think" beat out Architecture in Helsinki's "The Cemetary?" I believe it doesn't, but I'm sure most of you do.
Be sure to drop them a comment or two saying who YOU feel won the battle. I've got to give it to Annie, hands down.
And thanks UWMRyan for the link too.
18:18 - El Bieber Mas Grande del Mundo!
04:57 - Do You Like Free Music?
Also, checking into this hotel, we had to sign a release form because they are filming Top Model Sweden here. Rochester, do you still need a wife?
03:43 - Dutch Customer Service
Thank you for your email. I am sorry to learn that you left your Ipod on board the aircraft.
If you wish to enquire if your Ipod has been delivered at Lost and Found you can call them at 0900 - 724 474 65 or send an e-mail to lost_found@schiphol.nl. More information is available - also in English - at the Schiphol Airport website: www.schiphol.nl.
In case your belongings are not at Lost and Found you may wish to contact your insurance company. KLM does not accept responsibility for unchecked baggage.
Good luck!
Kind regards,
Dominique Paquaij
Customer Care
KLM The Netherlands
Sounds like they have some promising leads!
09:29 - Kitty of the Week
18:06 - Andrew Says:
07:19 - Guess Who?
10:46 - Guess Who?
11:03 - merci monsieur champdeguerre
15:55 - Like Background Singers They All Come in Threes
Pitchfork: How long have you lived in Nashville? Where did you live before that, and what prompted the move?
Berman: Cassie [Marrett, Berman's wife] and I moved here in 1999. I'd been living in an apartment colony called Mallard's Crossing beside an office park on the outskirts of Louisville. When I looked out my window, I wasn't necessarily in "sour old Louisville," an idea of a town with which I had an antagonistic relationship. The surrounding mallscape, it could have been anywhere-- Falls Church, Plano, Toledo.
In my beery mind this display of exurban contempt was the equivalent of a lone "boo" during the silent section of a live Rodan set. Sure my neighborhood bar was a BW-3, but at least I didn't have to deal with the sullen and homely hippy women that make up so a large portion of that town's rock scene. The day after Cassie graduated from college we left. It was the Titans' inaugural season. It was a great time to move to Nashville.
UPDATE: Dear Drag City, The Silver Jews song "How Can I Love You (If You Won't Lie Down)" is a huge hit with the Rotterdam French Expat scene. We touch all sorts of buttons when we hear it. For example, the volume knob is spun violently clockwise and the répéter bulb glows green for at least ten minutes. And then we dance as much as the constraints of European cars will allow. We think they've done a great job with this one. But then again, we also like Serge Gainsbourg so there's no accounting for taste. Also I am not French by blood-- only mind and stomach. But I'm pretty sure I was a Frenchman in my past life so I hope you will still take my enthusiasm seriously. Please send Mr. Berman our thanks & kindest regards.
14:54 - Qui veut du thé glacé???
10:18 - This is Just Wrong
I hope Monsieur ChampdeGuerre would never make such an irreverent t-shirt.
07:44 - Le Pire des Cauchemars
07:21 - Timing
In his letter and a later news conference, Mr. Netanyahu repeated his criticisms of the pullout - that it is unilateral and secures no concessions from the Palestinians; that it will allow terrorist groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad to strengthen themselves and control Gaza, and aid in Hamas's effort to take over the Palestinian Authority; and that it makes Israel less secure.The bizbot in me tends to sympathize with the argument that you shouldn't give something for nothing in a situation as tense and complex as this. But looking at the bigger, however idealized, intended goal of regional stability... hopefully this gamble with the plans for withdrawl from Gaza August 17th will work. I don't pretend to know even one move of the chess game they're playing but abrupt resignations of significant political leaders during chaotic times can't be a positive beginning to next week's plans in Gaza.
06:11 - Best Clip Ever

Click, friend. You won't be disappointed.
03:43 - This is the part where I take a break from linking to articles about poop, music, and Tom Cruise and post about the next item on my To Do list
16:37 - Our Global Food-Service Enterprise Is Totally Down For Your Awesome Subculture
10:42 - Still Funny
07:43 - Good News For People Who Love Good News
Date: Aug 3, 2005 3:37 PM
Subject: nashville day 3
Body: After arriving in a rain storm on monday to a locked house,..things started to look up when I met weed guy, I procured a sack( cali buds will be missed severely) none of my boxes or roomates have arrived yet, so my house is pretty empty. I went out yesterday to buy beer, a fork and a shower curtian. Today I cleared my entire schedual to wait for the ups man,....to no avail. Been drinking though, I have a radio, some books, I'll get through,....robby gets in on friday,.... Going out to see some music tonight,.... On yahoo chat most of the time @ alldayradio@yahoo.com ,...say what's up,...esspecialy if your a local.
homophones people! Are not rainbow cellular devices! Learn them! But yeah, great that we seem to have similar priorities for move-in essentials. Sweeeeeeet.
06:30 - Executive Decision
06:27 - Not Just a Sweet 'Stache
Anyway, wi-fi:
A new generation of politicians is waking up to this issue. For instance, Andrew Rasiej is running in New York City's Democratic primary for public advocate on a platform calling for wireless (Wi-Fi) and cellphone Internet access from every home, business and school in the city. If, God forbid, a London-like attack happens in a New York subway, don't trying calling 911. Your phone won't work down there. No wireless infrastructure. This ain't Tokyo, pal.I wouldn't be opposed to voting for someone who wants to make Nashville a hotspot. Didn't they do this in Philadelphia? Has anyone been there and used it?
02:15 - Ah Biblioteca, El Agua de Mi Fuente
06:52 - I Don't Understand Why He's Not Famous
06:50 - The Bloody Chavs Did It
06:48 - How's Your Gaydar?
06:22 - I Wonder If I'll Miss Her More When It Rains
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