Kelli at College Library said...
and i am sitting on top of a subaru!
that day was simply the best ever.
also, i had to change my display name to 'kelli' because i have a secret, password-protected student assistant
training blog happening and i can't let those kids call me petralove, now can i? why aren't you on yahoo?
Kelli at College Library said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kelli at College Library said...
i just removed this post.
but i am so schizo here it comes again!
sorry, but i can't stop looking at this man.
let's be a smokefree team!!!
annie said...
i just started cracking up when i was on ryan's ofoto and saw this gem. you just look really... satisfied?
and how about just a cigarettefree team?!
Kelli at College Library said...
cigarettefree is ok with me.
it is pretty impossible to not be filled with bliss while eating brats and drinking beers outside of lambeau.