30 November 2005
17:49 - With a Little Help, They Found the Hams

More ofoto pics up.
28 November 2005
08:38 - Kitty of the Week
Well, instead if a kitty pic, how about a kitty
21 November 2005
22:29 - Bexter Was Right
We need a Thanksgiving craft idea thread for the best holiday in recent memory.
Coffee mugs? T-shirts? Stained glass?
Let's pull it together here friends, we're on the home stretch.
17 November 2005
09:38 - If You Happen to See a Keclik Around...
Be sure to congratulate her on her 3 months of smoke-free living!
Yesterday was her anniversary.
Way to go buddy, we're v. proud of you.
09:38 - I Want to Play Too
Oooh, I beat you by like $500.
How do they even calculate this?
What a bunch of yuppies we are, huh mf?
16 November 2005
18:28 - Pop Quiz
From the Onion:
KFC Introduces New Bird-Flu Dipping Vaccine

Ok, but here's the pop quiz!
What food is reported to be helpful in combatting the effects of bird flu?
15 November 2005
08:29 - Whatever Gets You Through the Night
State your assumptions. All your customers are shoplifters. All shoplifters use the same machine to shoplift. How do you combat shoplifting? Get inside the machine.
So you've all read how Sony's executives have decided
to use copy-protected CDs to surreptitiously install its digital rights management technology onto PCs. Well the EFF put out a list of these CDs yesterday
Looks like my love of
Canadian songstresses has gotten me some malware.
Ok, yes, I did just want to link to Celine Dion doing Michael Jackson's "Bad." It was really the indie DMB who had threatened my little lappy.
Mefi had a link to
a step-by-step post on how to see if these files are on your puter.
After all the lawsuits and outrage over this one, Sony bizbots will be wishing they had stuck with the Percocet.
UPDATE: The incomparable (and surely dashing! and sexy! and single!)
Alphabet Nash has more.
13 November 2005
17:38 - Hey, Assholes at Fox
canceling Arrested Development already.
Analyst + Therapist?
So funny.
10 November 2005
14:21 - Tall Irishman, French Surrealist & Peppermints Collaborate on Video
09 November 2005
11:49 - Where Does the Firetruck Live?
Well in
the Firehouse of course!
Nice to have another lady around.
08 November 2005
22:40 - I'm Drunk On A Couch In Nashville
Berman said it, not me.
(click on "media")
07 November 2005
20:58 - Best Pizza Topping You've Never Had
Is sauerkraut. Hands down. So fucking good.
Disagree? You're totally wrong.
Or not high enough.
06 November 2005
18:08 - Giddyup Gayrods

ofoto pics up.
04 November 2005
10:00 - Not Same Truck
03 November 2005
12:51 - Does Anyone Know
02 November 2005
20:19 - Kitty of the Week
What were you for Halloween?
Well, I was a vision impaired Mexican kitty, naturally.
15:31 - Hey! Andrew Koszewski!
You're great. And we know that for damn sure.
We also think you might be MX missle proof.
13:11 - I Hope This Isn't Another Fuckin' Bait Car, Man
So anyone who has been to British Columbia or has friends or family there knows what a rampant theft problem the city has. My older sister lives there and says every single person she knows there has at some point been a victim of theft. When she first moved there, not knowing the city's reputation, she and my parents were eating dinner when all of her earthly possessions were stolen out of the car they drove up there. Welcome to Vancouver. Anyway, car and vehicular-related theft are particularly popular. To combat this, the BC police have started using "bait cars" where once the car is stolen (i.e. started), a signal is sent to the dispatcher to take control of the vehicle and eventually bring it to a stop near a waiting police car. As you can imagine, hilarity ensues, not least of all because 100% of the cars stolen in BC? Are stolen by drug addicts. 100%. So if you're bored, go watch the video
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