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Bethlehem Steel

Failing A Little Less Each Time. 

15 November 2005

08:29 - Whatever Gets You Through the Night

State your assumptions. All your customers are shoplifters. All shoplifters use the same machine to shoplift. How do you combat shoplifting? Get inside the machine.
So you've all read how Sony's executives have decided to use copy-protected CDs to surreptitiously install its digital rights management technology onto PCs. Well the EFF put out a list of these CDs yesterday here.
Looks like my love of Canadian songstresses has gotten me some malware.
Ok, yes, I did just want to link to Celine Dion doing Michael Jackson's "Bad." It was really the indie DMB who had threatened my little lappy.

Mefi had a link to a step-by-step post on how to see if these files are on your puter.
After all the lawsuits and outrage over this one, Sony bizbots will be wishing they had stuck with the Percocet.

UPDATE: The incomparable (and surely dashing! and sexy! and single!) Alphabet Nash has more.

Blogger annie said...

see but that's what pisses me off. i was looking forward to buying cds from the record store for three years and NOT downloading music both because rotterdam didn't have a non-techno dance beats store and because i really enjoy the experience of record store shopping. and now i'm back and buying them and they're full of freaking viruses?
man, funk that.  

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