20:34 - Dear America
20:31 - Could Be My Dramatic Brain
10:08 - Is This Guy Single?
06:00 - Joe Millionaire is Still Hilarious
The title is: "WILDEST DREAMS???" for his plans for the next 3 fiscal years.
During these day-long meetings, I always write words like passion, challenge, fiscal, team, P&L, etc on a piece of paper. Then, each time one of the words is said, it gets scratched off the paper. The fun never stops around here. Well it does stop tomorrow actually...
UPDATE: Ah! Bizbot Bingo! Great name. By the way, the 5 words above were already said. I'll start with your list now.
05:36 - Kitty of the Week
06:03 - Because You're Probably Sick of Looking at that Other Pic
07:04 - Hahahahaha
04:19 - Narcissism Runs in the Family
16:11 - Corn Poopie
My buddy Tom and I have this absurd method to sniff out liars. Because we both think poop is hilarious, the method is composed of three simple questions. As anyone who has googled the effects of corn on the digestive system knows,
When we chew corn, the outer coating slips off the inner kernel. This outer yellow coating is almost entirely cellulose, and is indigestible. It passes through the gut untouched, and emerges looking like a whole kernel, although it is mostly just the outer skin. The inside of the kernel is starchy and digestible, and that is the part that we succeed in chewing up.
So have we established that when you eat corn you will see cellulose coating in the form of corn kernels in your poop? Great. The liars we drunkenly attempt to sniff out will deny the, ahem, very thorough scientific fact that people who eat corn will have corn poopie. Eat corn on the cob? Corn poopie. Corn chowder? Corn poopie. Salade niçoise? Bon app mes potes, but still: corn poopie. Ok, you get it. Cows, on the other hand, are digestively superior to us humans. They have I-can’t-even-count-that-high FOUR stomachs. This, of course, means that our corn kernel condoms are not safe. The hydrochloric acid (corndomicide?) of our friendly dairy cow from
Question 1: Have you ever eaten corn?
Answer 1: No. (This is no longer an interesting conversation. Walk away/get another beer.)
Answer 2: Yes. (Ok good, next question.)
Question 2: Have you ever had corn poopie?
Answer 1: Yes. (This is no longer an interesting conversation. Walk away/get another beer.)
Answer 2: No. (Can i get a loophole closer?)
Question 3: Are you a cow?
Answer 1: Yes. (I keep hoping this scenario will happen but it never has.)
Answer 2: No.
Loophole closed! We have ourselves a Certified Corn Poopie Liar here, team. And that’s the game. After 7 years we’re still not sick of it. So you can imagine my distress upon receiving this upsetting email from Tom today:
To: Annie
From: Tom
Date: September 14th, 2005 12:59 am
Subject: i may be a cow
from the medical miracle department, i ate corn on sunday and monday and do not remember anything further about said corn. i.e., i never heard from or saw it again. i am scared. am i a cow?
I asked him if I could post this, and he replied:
yes, but mind you, i am not joking. i am totally serious.
Can anyone explain Tom’s troubling digestive miracle? Has anyone else experienced such a phenomenon? Have we evolved to the point where we can reach the digestive Zen of cows?
10:24 - You Know...
09:55 - We Cannot Honor Your Burial Rights

06:53 - One Stop Shopping
11:40 - Juicy!
Farrar tells journalist Antony DeCurtis that things started to unravel after he saw Tweedy stroke the hair of his girlfriend of seven years, Monica Groth (now his wife), as she was sleeping. "I found out later that he was telling her stuff, like, he loves her," says Farrar, who attempted to quit the band the next day. Tweedy was devastated."Well what did you expect him to do?
05:19 - Life Is Demanding Without Understanding

(But if you haven't had enough, read about donkey meat laced with tiger piss fwighere. Hi. I like gross things.)
12:40 - Attention Dance Commanders
10:16 - Hahahahaha
17:04 - Iraq Debate
06:21 - Shameful But Not Entirely Surprising
In June 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, fretted to The Times-Picayune in New Orleans: "It appears that the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us."Hurricanes, skyrocketing gas prices, anger about the war in Iraq, dead Supreme Court chief justice... Are you guys ok over there?
UPDATE: Holy shit, you've got to listen to the audio feature in this article. Wow.
And plus? Babs Bush? Fuck you. The modern Marie Antoinette had this gem to say about the hurricane survivors:
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you
know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she
chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."
13:19 - It Was Recommended
06:53 - Hey Senorita Misteriosa
04:33 - Inappropriate Bizbot, or How To Make A Complete Ass of Yourself, Pt. 203984752394857

So Sebastian, a friend of Romino's staying for the weekend, came up with the hot idea to ask the construction workers if we couldn't load the couch out the window onto the crane to avoid the extensive project of moving the couch down two sets of supersteep supernarrow supertwisted Dutch staircases. I thought it was brilliant but the pirates of Rotterdam just looked at us like we were crazy and said No Way Jose. A few minutes later, the guys were hauling off boxes on the street below my apartment and, standing in the window two floors up, I wondered aloud what they wanted in exchange for participating in Hot Couch Plan 2005 since pirates are evidently not naturally helpful. All three warehouse guys, people I work with professionally on a daily basis, turned and looked up at the window in disbelief and disapproval when I turned to Seb and said loudly enough for everyone including the construction workers to hear, "Well what do they want, blowjobs all around?"
My hand flew straight to my mouth and I ran away upstairs to type this and I'm not going back down again until they are gone. Not smooth. Not smooth at all. Sometimes I wish I was mute instead of deaf.
The couch is still here. This is maybe not one of my best plans. Also the boys left at least 75 kilos of pot sitting on the coffee table from last night so thank jesu that's legal. Ei ei ei...
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