Olympics 2012 in
Le premier tour [first round] :
Londres : 22 voix
Madrid : 20
Moscou : 15
New York : 19
Paris : 21
Le deuxième tour [second round] :
Londres : 27
Madrid : 32
New York : 16
Paris : 25
Le troisième tour :
Londres : 39
Madrid : 31
Paris : 33
Le quatrième tour :
Londres : 54
Paris : 50
Only 4 votes! That was close. The Frenchies are none too pleased. Rno says:
les Rosbifs nous ont eu... Decidement il a le vent en poupe le p'tit Blair!!!
[The English got us… the little Blair decidedly has the wind at his back]
You know how the English call the French frogs (grenouilles)? Well the French call the English les Rosbifs, or the roast beefs [added: beeves?].
And Caro just fucking hates the English:
Connards d'anglais,ils nous feront chier jusqu'au bout!!!!!
[French is so funny directly translated. This sentence would be “Idiots of English, they will make us shit until the end (of time)!!!!”]
Boutons les saxons.....!
[This phrase came from the Middle Ages, like Jeanne d’Arc time, when the French were kicking the English out, means “Let’s kick out the Saxons”]
Did I translate ok Rno?
So I guess that Paris 2012 t-shirt we bought is now worth something. I'm going to burn an image of Jesus into the sleeve and sell it on Ebay.

Rochester Binghampton said...
But they did kick their ass in the 100 Years War.