26 May 2006
09:57 - E-mail Addresses It Would Be Really Annoying to Give Out Over the Phone
22 May 2006
15:27 - Christian Rock
Down here they talk about Christian Rock in terms of JPMs and GPMs, as in number of times people sing about Jesus and God per minute. Ha.
19 May 2006
16:18 - Friday Jokes
Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and legs on a wall?
A: Bob.
Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and legs in the ocean?
A: Art.
18 May 2006
10:42 - Music City, USA!
Picked as the #1 Smartest Place to Live in the US.
Southern hospitality. Gently rolling hills with big, affordable homes. A mild climate (albeit with occasional tornadoes). Oh, yes, and a phenomenal entertainment scene that goes far beyond country.
With such an appetizing mix, it's easy to see why Nashville keeps attracting people from across the nation, including other parts of Tennessee. It's a buckle of the Bible belt, but, says pharmaceutical sales rep Rusty Walker, "the area doesn't cater to a particular type of person."
With more than 180 live-music venues featuring country, bluegrass, jazz, pop, rock and soul, Nashville has plenty of sounds to groove on. Its music industry rang up a cool $6 billion in 2004. But Nashville's health-care, education, manufacturing, finance and tourism industries hardly play second fiddle.
Madison was #20 and three Wisco cities in the top 50.
17 May 2006
09:33 - Jokes & Jokes & Jokes & Jokes
So this cab driver somehow
poses as an IT journalist in a live BBC tv interview and attempts to answer questions about a verdict on online music downloading. His look of horror as he is introduced as someone else and earnest bumbling about cybercafes is totally funny.
Here's the transcript if you can't watch the video.
(Thanks Frosk!)
16 May 2006
14:02 - Totally Sweet Email: Inspirational Advice to Int'l Dept From Our Korean Distributor
We are very busy. This is life.
So, people lost direct because of they pay attention on the speed.
BUT direction is most important.
If we have right direction with patient and effort, we can save time.
Now is time to change. IF we say tomorrow, tomorrow will be harder day.
Joshua and Paul is very hot guy and they got succeed.
Because Jesus gave the right direction and they could wait with their best.
We should find right direction and do our best.
10:45 - Kitty of the Week

Naturally occurring kitty!
12 May 2006
09:28 - New Flaming Lips CD
At War With the Mystics: Super or Not So Super?
Defend your answer!
11 May 2006
13:13 - Why the Walgreens in Nashville is Amazing

Anyone know what product you buy when you buy chicken poop?
09 May 2006
18:29 - Too Much Scientology, Not Enough Dance Classes
08 May 2006
13:46 - Probably Not What You Should Do With A Stolen Church Office Sign
10:46 - That's an Honest Price

I got these goggles for $1. The flea market is totally rad.
05 May 2006
13:56 - Kitty of the Week
13:51 - moremusicmoremusicmoremusic
I've been rocking Band of Horses "
Everything All the Time" every day all the week on the hour-long car ride to work. Sort of MMJ meets Trashcan Sinatras. I like it, and not just for the name.
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