All day long, in addition to picking his nose, my half-Italian half-Dutch coworker swears. In English and in Dutch. His mouth needs to be washed out with soap. Just so I don’t forget, here are the swear words I’ve learned in Dutch:
verdomme (a.)—damn [pronounced fer-dom]
klootzak (n.)—asshole [pronounced kloht-zahk]
kutwijf (n.)—bitch [pronounced cut-wife]
Donder maar op—Fuck off
Kippen neuker—Chicken fucker
Paarden neuker—Horse fucker
Apenkind—Monkey child
Uitgewoonde heroinehoer—old/worn out heroin whore
Eet pinguin poep jij kontgraver—Eat penguin shit you ass digger
And then if he’s really REALLY pissed off …
Uit een hoerenbaarmoeder geslingerd kuttekind—Loosely “son of a bitch,” literally “cunt child that’s been thrown out of the uterus of a whore.”
Als je een ruft laat ruikt die naar sperma!—Your farts smell like sperm
Je hebt een kop om stront op te sorteren—You have a face to sort shit on
Ga met je verlopen snollekop in de vette aambeienreet van je gore moeder zitten raggen.—Um.. it’s like, “take your old slutty face to poke in the fat hemorrhoid ass of your whore mother.”
And then there are the ones I just don’t get:
Achterlijke gladiool—Retarded flower
Volgescheten palingvel—Shit filled eel skin
Gekke klootzak—Crazy scrotum
Jij eet smegmakaas—You eat smegma cheese (??)