So I was walking home on a beautiful day in Rottendam from having a refreshing glass of sparkling iced tea with Caro and picking up some of Holland's Finest when I walked past a window and saw a guy strumming a guitar. I was all, huh, that sure looks like Brendan Benson. And sure enough he's
playing here tonight. But I'm just not sure if he's worth the seven euros fifty entrance fee to this snob. Now I'm listening to some songs from "
Alternative to Love" and just thinking... this guy bugs me. His songs are almost good but they're just, well... just ok. "Alternative to Love" is like a crappier male version of "Exile in Guyville." Girls do breakup music better. But enough with the indie-than-thou pontification, I have nothing better to do tonight so I'll probably go. If he's bff with
ItsANiceDayForAWhiteWedding then maybe something rubbed off.
UPDATE: here's a couple pics from the show:

Show attire includes stinky white t-shirt with pit stains:

There was one song I liked, though, I think it was called "Cold Hands Warm Heart."
Matt said...
Brendan Benson is the effing best. Don't even.
annie said...
i can hardly find your opinion credible, you don't even like the decemberists. brendan benson is just as watered down as evan dando.
Matt said...
The Decemberists are thoroughly mediocre, just like Coldplay, just like The New Pornographers.
But I mean, I know you have a thing for pirates and all.
annie said...
decemberists = great
NPs = v. good
coldplay = meh
brendan benson = yawn
that's the correct order.
also, i can't believe andrew bird only spent like a week in your playlist, that album is the third best of 2005.