This is not a difficult post. The reasons I love Bonnie are easy. She is not only wide-eyed and gorgeous, but she has been a butch fwund from the start. Don’t want to hear about it? Then read another blog. Bonnie taught me from the beginning that no matter what, we were going to be fwunds. At the time, I asked her why and she could only say, “I always knew.” And that is Bonnie for you. She knows. Either you’re in or you’re out. And if you’re in, hoo boy, it’s the best goddamn time you’ve ever had. She refuses to let cliques or groups get in her way; if you’re good enough to hang out, she will find you. I’m sorry, but you have no choice in the matter. She will bring you to her house, she will serenade you with wine, the latest People magazine, and a sheep who stares at you while you pee. She will drain her vin rouge and wudge upon you like… well, it’s not like anything really, you just have to know. Are you jealous? You should be. You can’t have her, she’s mine.
Also: Bon, what's up with Are you hiding something from me jerk?
UPDATE: Oh man, I forgot how fun drunkblogging is. But seriously, I mean what I wrote.
And to prove it, here is a picture of me having a great time with our favorite person, Don Johnson. The "photoshopping" is so bad it's good.

Don Johnson is of course not his real name but why start calling people by their real names now. This guy is so lame. He is Fro's boyfriend's roommate and Bonnie and I like to pretend we have a crush on him. He was acting all obnoxiously drunk (which, of course, is not tolerated in our group of friends) and throwing empty beer bottles off Bonnie's pier into Lake Mendota in Madison. Bonnie looks at him and gets all pissed off and says, "Do you think littering is funny? Because I don't."
Hahahahahaha. Classic.
What a douchebag that guy is. I hope we get married some day.
Ok so this is straying a bit from The Bonnie Post but now I'm just cracking up at all these pictures. Here is me teaching Stewart how to say "amazing" in sign language. No, it's not really how you say it. Yes, that is a unicorn shitting.

I can't even believe how hilarious that is.
Stewart really had no idea what he was getting himself into.